X's Arsenal

X1 Weapons Overview

Mega Man X1 weapons are great for beginners as most are very easy to use, fast, and highly damaging.


Damage: 1
Cooldown: 0.15
Charge Damage: 2/3/4

X's main weapon in the games, this weapon stands out with its infinite ammo, a trait no other weapon shares. As such, it should always be considered as your first slot weapon. However, its damage is a bit lackluster in comparison to some of the other special weapons, and it lacks outstanding traits or utility that some other weapons can provide.

Homing Torpedo

Damage: 2
Cooldown: 0.625
Charge Damage: 1 x 5 torpedos

This weapon can can home in on enemies, though its main weakness is the fact that torpedos can be destroyed by most weapons in the game. The charge is great for quick burst damage and flinch, but even its torpedos can be destroyed as well.

Chameleon Sting

Damage: 2
Cooldown: 0.75
Charge Damage: N/A

The uncharged shot deals decent damage, and if you can aim the pellets carefully, you can "meatshot" by hitting with all three of them at once on an enemy, dealing heavy damage. The charge turns X invincible for 8 seconds, making it great for escapes and reaching the flag, but like with any weapon charge, you cannot use it when carrying the flag. You can also use the invulnerability to access otherwise lethal parts of the map such as lava or spikes and pickup goodies sprawled upon them. While charged, shooting sting shots consumes 8 bars of ammo, so you only get 3 shots before the whole meter is depleted.

Rolling Shield

Damage: 2
Cooldown: 0.75
Charge Damage: 1 per hit

Fires spheres of rolling energy that can block projectiles and damage enemies alike. The charged version grants a protective barrier that can damage enemies X runs into, and block all projectile weapons (except electric spark, which immediately destroys it). Each hit the shield takes drains ammo, and if ammo runs out, the shield is lost. A great defensive tool; if under heavy assault from projectile weapons like the X-buster, consider this weapon, but bear in mind it does nothing to block melee attacks.

Fire Wave

Damage: 1 per hit (+half second of burn applied per hit)
Cooldown: 0.2
Charge Damage: 2 per hit

The uncharged version deals heavy damage and can burn enemies, dealing damage over time. The charged version will shoot a wave of fire that travels forward and deals heavy damage to anything in its path, and also applies burn. The burn effect can be removed via hyper modes, Axl roll, Axl transformations, and entering deep water. Note that this weapon will not work underwater.

Storm Tornado

Damage: 1 per hit
Cooldown: 1.5
Charge Damage: 2 per hit

The uncharged version shoots large projectiles that deal small amounts of damage over time. Note that unlike Storm Eagle's version, it doesn't push foes back. The charged version does deal damage (and plenty of it), and launchs a towering vertical projectile that's great for hitting foes directly above or below you.

Electric Spark

Damage: 2
Cooldown: 0.5
Charge Damage: 4

Fires electric balls that, upon hitting a surface, split into two. While slow, these projectiles hit with shocking force, causing a brief flinch on foes struck. The charged shot will cover both your left and right, great for if you're surrounded on both sides. Both the uncharged and charged shot will break enemy rolling shields. Overall, this is a great anti-defense weapon, capable of clearing minefields/turrets and going through shield type weapons with ease.

Boomerang Cutter

Damage: 2
Cooldown: 0.5
Charge Damage: 2 x 4 boomerangs

Shoots boomerangs that curve in a circular path and, if they do not make contact, return to X and refill the lost ammo spent firing the shot. Firing while jumping makes it curve downwards. This weapon can pick up health-packs out of reach, making it great on certain maps such as PowerPlant. The charge shot fires 4 damaging projectiles that oscillate from X radially, making it great if you find yourself surrounded by opponents, or just as a general purpose form of high damage.

Shotgun Ice

Damage: 2
Cooldown: 0.5
Charge Damage: 4 (sled)

The uncharged shot fires a projectile that splits into 5 fragments when it hits a wall. With clever placement, you can cause a lot of damage with the shards. The charged version, unlike in the games, shoots a gust of icy wind along with the ridable penguin sled. This will freeze enemies on contact, and the penguin sled also causes damage. When frozen, mash buttons to escape faster, but this is less effective at lower health.

X2 Weapons Overview

Mega Man X2 weapons (with some exceptions) are generally support weapons, meaning you cannot win games using them alone, but should pair them with a more damaging weapon, i.e. an X1 weapon. Many also really shine in team modes. These weapons are suited for advanced players as they are difficult to use and require careful control, thought and strategy.

Crystal Hunter

Damage: N/A
Cooldown: 1.25
Charge Damage: N/A

Uncharged shots will crystalize enemies on hit, immobilizing them for up to 2 seconds, though this can be mashed out of. Crystalized enemies can be jumped on and used as platforms. Dash into a crystalized enemy to break the crystal and cause 3 points of damage. Note that after an enemy breaks free, you cannot crystalize them again until after 5 seconds. It's great when paired with a damaging close range weapon like Fire Wave. The charged shot will create a time rift that slows down all players within the area of effect. Up to 2 rifts can be created per player at once. Pair this slowdown with weapons like Giga Crush and Shoryuken for devastating cleanup.

Bubble Splash

Damage: 1 per bubble
Charge Damage: 1 per bubble

While the shot is held, this weapon will continuously shoot bubbles that float upwards. Aim at foes above you for a higher chance of landing hits, and consider using it while crouched as well to give the bubbles more time to travel up. The charged shot surrounds X with 6 oscillating bubbles that can provide minor protection against projectiles as well as deal contact damage to enemies. Not only that, but X also jumps significantly higher when he has bubbles surrounding him, especially when underwater. Also when underwater, the charge effect gives X unlimited double jumps, allowing him to "swim" in the ocean and giving him unparalleled mobility in water maps.

Silk Shot

Damage: 2 (1 per shrapnel)
Cooldown: 0.75
Charge Damage: 4 (1 per shrapnel)
Healing: 2 (1 per shrapnel)
Charge Healing: 4 (1 per shrapnel)

Fires hunks of scrap metal that can not only damage enemies, but also heal allies in team modes. Every 16 points of healing nets X one scrap. Upon contact with a wall or player, the shot will explode into fragments, each of which deal minor damage.

Spin Wheel

Damage: 1 per hit
Cooldown: 1
Charge Damage: 1 per spoke

Shoots wheels that have a windup time, but travel further than most weapons. Wheels also change direction if they hit a wall, so you can lock down certain low-ground depressions in the map surrounded by left and right walls by firing wheels into them. The charge shot generates 8 wheel spokes that radiate from X. Multiple can connect at a time on an enemy, so if you space it right you can cause 8 damage in a single hit, but otherwise the spokes are rather slow and easy to dodge.

Sonic Slicer

Damage: 2 per slicer
Cooldown: 1
Charge Damage: 5 per slicer

Fires two flying projectiles that travel slightly upwards and can bounce off walls and ceilings. The charged shot fires 5 shots that travel upwards for a distance before falling back down, making it great for raining down damage on an area as well as damaging enemies above you.

Strike Chain

Damage: 3
Cooldown: 1
Charge Damage: 4

Shoots a chain from X's buster that can latch onto walls, pulling X towards them, as well as pull health and ammo capsules to your location. It can be aimed up or down as well. Aim at the ceiling to swing from it and gain some momentum in both the x and y axis. Enemies can be pulled to X as well, and the charge shot will actually flinch and stun foes that are hooked, allowing you to quickly switch to another weapon for an effective combo, especially if you have another charge shot banked up from the X2 buster upgrade. Notably, the chain can also yank Ride Armor users straight out of the mech, making it great for countering troublesome Vile players causing issues for the team. Note that when crouched, this weapon will still aim diagonally down unless you also press FORWARD.

Magnet Mine

Damage: 2 (4 when planted)
Cooldown: 0.75
Charge Damage: 1/2/4 per hit

The uncharged shot fires mines that get planted on the map when they hit a surface. Once planted, mines remain on the map until an enemy sets them off by touching them, or until the owning X player dies. Mines can be aimed up or down to plant them on floors or ceilings, and up to 10 mines can be planted on the map at once, per player. Shoot mines in key areas on the map such as on objectives to defend them from enemy attack. Note however that enemies can destroy mines by attacking them. The charged shot fires a slow moving vortex that initially deals low damage, but can absorb projectiles to grow in size and power, up to 4x that of the original shot. Teammates, as well as the player that fired the shot, can also feed the vortex with their own projectiles, so combo it with a fast firing weapon like Fire Wave to power up the vortex quickly after it's launched.

Speed Burner

Damage: 2 (1 per flame trail particle, 1 second burn applied on hit)
Cooldown: 1
Charge Damage: 4 (2 seconds burn applied on hit)

Shoots a large fireball that travels straight ahead at a fast speed, burning anyone it hits. When fired on the ground, the flame trail particles can cause additional damage to enemies in its path. The charge shot engulfs X with flames and blasts him straight forward, causing heavy damage and burn to any foes in his path, as well as allowing X to travel horizontally in the air a great distance, though the dash will end if X hits a wall. Note that the charged shot will cause recoil damage when X hits a wall or enemy, so watch where you're dashing and use sparingly. Also note that the charged shot deals no damage underwater, and the uncharged shot's effectiveness is greatly reduced underwater as well (but still can cause minor damage).

X3 Weapons Overview

Overall, Mega Man X3 weapons pack a punch, but are slow and consume heavy amounts of ammo. They are also generally the most complex set of weapons in all of X's arsenal, having sophisticated effects that players will have to study in detail to make the most use out of them. They are suitable for intermediate to advanced players.

Acid Burst

Damage: 1 per second (over time)
Cooldown: 0.5
Charge Damage: 1 per second (over time)

Fires globs of acid that deal no damage up front, but cause enemies to take damage over time at the rate of 1 damage per second. The more acid you splash on an enemy, the longer the status ailment lasts. One uncharged glob is good for two seconds of acid damage. Each hit adds additional acid time, up to a max of 8 seconds of acid time. The charged shot fires two larger globs that splashes more acid on an enemy, applying 3 seconds of acid damage per glob, double that of the uncharged. In addition, it has more range and bounces up to four times and splashes acid all over the place, allowing you to splatter entire screenfuls of enemies with the toxic substance.

A secondary effect of the "acidified" ailment is that it causes more damage to be taken. The more acid a player has sprayed on them, the more damage they take, up to 50% more for the full 8 seconds. You can tell how much acid is on an enemy by how dark green colored they are. Acid can be removed via healing (every 1 healing removes 1 second of acid time), invincibility granting moves such as Rakuhouha or Giga Crush, and hyper modes. Finally, be aware that Acid Burst does not work underwater, and enemies can wash off acid by entering water.

Parasitic Bomb

Damage: 4
Cooldown: 1
Charge Damage: 4 per hornet

Shoots a bomb that latches onto enemies it hits, exploding 2 seconds later, dealing 4 damage with a full flinch. While this is powerful for an uncharged shot, bear in mind that enemies can mash buttons to remove the parasite, preventing all damage (though this gets progressively harder the lower their HP) and that an enemy can only have one parasite attached at a time. If another enemy is nearby a parasitised enemy, the bomb will slam the parasitised enemy straight into the other enemy, dealing 4 damage to both. Parasitised enemies in Ride Armors will be forced to eject when this happens. The charged shot is unique in that it does not actually have a discrete shoot phase, but instead surrounds X with cursors that will target nearby enemies with a swarm of robotic hornets, dealing a flurry of attacks that home in on foes, though much like with Homing Torpedos, the hornets can be destroyed with most weapons.

Triad Thunder

Damage: 1-2 damage per hit, 3 hits max
Cooldown: 1.75
Charge Damage: 4 per ball, 3 quake

The uncharged shot surrounds X with a triangular-shaped electrical current. Enemies in contact with this current take damage over time. In addition, the current will stun enemies briefly. The balls will cause more damage (2, vs 1) so try to position those inside of opponents to maximize damage. Press DOWN before a shot to invert the triangle. After the current dissipates, an additional 3 beams are generated that radiate out from X in a triangular pattern which can cause 2 damage each to enemies at specific angles. The charged shot causes X to generate an earthquake along with two balls of electricity that crawl along walls. The earthquake deals less damage but will damage any grounded enemies within a certain distance from X and cause a full flinch as well.

Spinning Blade

Damage: 2 per blade
Cooldown: 1.25
Charge Damage: 2 per hit, 4 hits max

Shoots two spinning blades that fly backwards after travelling forward a short distance, making it great for hitting enemies behind you while running. The blades are also great for dealing serious damage to enemies directly in front of you as there's two of them that come out at once, but the long weapon cooldown as well as the double ammo usage per shot (as two shots are fired) counteracts this power. The charged shot shoots a yo-yo like spinning saw attached to a string that X can rotate with UP/DOWN, or retract with the SHOOT key. The saw can hit twice and can hit on its way back as well so try to also get a hit with the retract.

Ray Splasher

Damage: 1 per hit
Cooldown: 1
Charge Damage: 1 per hit

Fires a rapid stream of energy bullets in a cone shaped pattern. The charged shot generates a floating sentry-like orb above X that will shoot at enemies for you. Orbs last 4 seconds and can be destroyed by enemies and have 4 health.

Gravity Well

Damage: 2 per hit
Cooldown: 3
Charge Damage: N/A

Shoots gravity wells onto the map. Enemies close to the wells will take damage from the high gravitational force and be pulled in. Only one well can be on the field at a times, but you can manually retract it with SHOOT. You can quickly stop the well with SHOOT after shooting it. The charged shot shoots a special well that can manipulate gravity in an area covering roughly the entire screen. It has 4 HP and can also be destroyed. By default, gravity is reversed, causing enemies to fly straight upwards, and dealing 4 damage if they crash into the ceiling at a high enough speed, but if DOWN is held before releasing the charged shot, gravity is intensified 2x, making jumps much weaker and less effective, and making climbing up walls a nearly impossible ordeal. Note that teammates and the owning X player are not affected by gravitation effects.

Frost Shield

Damage: 2
Cooldown: 1
Charge Damage: 2 per hit

Fires spears of super-hardened ice that capable of blocking most attacks. Upon contacting an enemy or wall, these spears splinter into a shard that falls onto the ground, acting as another shield/barrier that can block most attacks. However, the shards can be destroyed by fire moves as well as attacks that can damage cracked walls; each shard has 4 HP. These stay on the map for up to 5 seconds and cannot be destroyed except by running into them, which causes two damage to the victim. The charged shot generates an ice shield held in X's buster that can provide protection against most attacks but only lasts a limited time. It differentiates itself from Rolling Shield by running on a time limitation instead of having its ammo/health drained per shot. It also only covers the front of X, so be sure to watch your back when using it.

Tornado Fang

Damage: 1 per hit
Cooldown: 0.15
Charge Damage: 1 per hit

Launches drill-like projectiles that have a brief windup time before picking up speed (like with Frost Shield). Shoot quickly after the first shot to fire two more drills at once, one above and one below the initial drill. If a drill makes contact with an enemy, it will travel much slower as it bores into the enemy, dealing major damage over time and also slowing down the enemy's movement as well. The charged shot turns X's buster into a larger and much more devastating spinning drill that deals massive damage but drains through ammo rather quickly and has extremely short range, so make your time count.