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Version 10.0: The Second Character Rework

Like with the first major character rework in v7.0, this update reworks most of the cast quite significantly, adding new abilities and changing existing ones. This time, the rework is based off not only community feedback, but also newly gathered statistics per character such as win rates.

The general focus was on reducing the power level of Vile and Axl, while trying to avoid feeling like a nerf and giving them new abilities to compensate and skills to explore. X also was given a lot of improvements and options to make his kit more well rounded and not dependent on a few dominant choices. Another goal of the reworks was to reduce the effectiveness and extremely binary nature of cross-character counters. A character should not be rendered useless just because another character exists on the battlefield, and should have more options to fight back. Similarly, there should not be an extremely powerful ability rendered null and void by an extremely powerful (and often, obscure) counter. The traditional counter triangle of Zero > Axl > Vile > Zero has been shakened up and weakened in many cases as a result.

In addition to reworks there were a few other major improvments, notabily to the game's physics and animations, which were improved to be faster, snappier, and more in tune with the real games.

Section 1: Improvements and bug fixes

Section 2: Mega Man X Reworks

The first major character rework was X. From the statistics gathered last month, X has the lowest DM winrate as well as the lowest kill rate. One of the main problems is the weapon and armor imbalance: a few weapons and armors are clearly better than the others. Use of inferior weapons and armor can drive down X's kill potential and win rate. Therefore, the X rework consisted of a sweep through all of X's weapons and armors, buffing underutilized ones and slightly tuning some of the more dominant ones where appropriate. In addition, the highly requested mixable armors has finally been implemented (shoutout to Bando for his hard work in providing the sprites!), and along with this came armor effect tweaks to make X's various armor options more balanced with respect to each other.

X Weapon Reworks

X Armor Reworks

Section 3: Zero Reworks

As with the previous rework, Zero was changed the least as I feel like he is in an acceptable spot. The stats confirm this, as he's right in the middle in most cases - better than X, but worse than Vile/Axl.

Section 4: Vile Reworks

Vile probably received one of the biggest reworks, completely overhauling his design. Two recurring problems and complaints about the character were that: a) he was too strong in his Ride Armor and b) he was too weak outside of his Ride Armor. Originally designed as a tank character for team modes better at sponging attacks instead of dishing them out, this made him ineffective in deathmatches, and so his Ride Armor offensive capabilities ended up being buffed to the point of dominance. This rework attempts to address these problems.

Section 5: Axl Reworks

Summary: Axl's win rate and kill rate are unsurpassed by any character. Part of this is due to the small player base and the fact that there are few newbie Axl players. However, the high precision and damage rate of the Axl Bullets are also a contributing factor. In the right hands, a good Axl player can single handedly demolish an entire server. The goal of this rework was to slow down Axl's kill rate potential in matches, and reduce reliance and dependence on the Axl Bullets, shifting some of its power to the lesser used Copy Shot/A-Trans mechanic. As the signature ability of Axl, transformations were quite underused, so they received an overhaul and much greater attention and polish.