X1 (Light) Armor Overview

Overall, the Light Armor is a great armor set for beginners, as most of its attributes are applied automaticly, with no additional actions or micromanagement required by the player.

Head Parts

Body Parts

Arm Parts

Foot Parts

Set Bonus: Hadouken

With full light armor upgrades, X can perform the mighty Hadouken technique! To toss it out, use QCF (down + down forward + forward + shoot). It requires full health and X-Buster equipped, but if you manage to hit someone, they will die instantly! However, it has a relatively short range and high startup lag that leaves you open, and it can be reflected by Zero so don't throw it out blindly. This move costs 3 scrap unless X has also purchased all heart tanks and sub tanks, in which case it is free.

X2 (Giga) Armor Overview

The Giga Armor provides powerful abilities, but do have a learning curve and require good control to use effectively, and thus are best reserved for advanced X players. They tend to be more offensive oriented than the Light Armor which is more defensive in nature.

Head Parts

Body Parts

Arm Parts

Foot Parts

Set Bonus: Shoryuken

With full Giga Armor upgrades, X can perform the Shoryuken technique, a high-rising, flaming uppercut! Activate with the Dragon Punch motion (forward + down + down forward + shoot). Like with Hadouken, it requires full health and X-buster equipped and it's an instant kill. It's best used against midair enemies or enemies above you as the hitbox is too small to hit enemies on the ground consistently. It can also be used to gain height and reach high spots that X otherwise couldn't have reached. Note that while the flame effect doesn't show underwater, this ability still kills in one hit underwater. This move costs 3 scrap unless X has also purchased all heart tanks and sub tanks, in which case it is free.

X3 (Max) Armor Overview

The Max Armor is unique among armor sets in that it utilizes a chip system. Once you reach full upgrades, you'll be able to select one additional part to improve even more with an enhancement chip. Chip upgrades do not cost any scrap, and can be changed at any time. However, once you use a chip, you won't be able to use the Golden armor, so evaluate your choices carefully.

After you have equipped a chip, you can quickly swap chips without having to go to X's armor menu by pressing Neutral SPECIAL for the body chip, UP+SPECIAL for the head chip, DOWN+SPECIAL for the foot chip, and SIDE+SPECIAL for the arm chip. Use this to quickly change chips on the fly depending on which is most appropriate for the situation.

Head Parts

Body Parts

Arm Parts

Foot Parts

Set Bonus: Gold Armor/Beam Saber

With full Max Armor upgrades, X can don the Gold Armor at the cost of 5 scrap! To activate, press the special button in the X3 armor menu. This armor grants all chip parts to X, as well as giving him the X3 Beam Saber attack (note: this is different from the X6-style saber in X's special button loadout slot), which can be executed by charging up the buster all the way, and then firing again after the buster shot. The saber deals significant damage and also sends out a cresent shaped projectile. The Gold Armor lasts until X dies.